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National Dance Day 2013

National Dance Day in Greensboro

People all over the country are moving their feet to celebrate National Dance Day, and the Boys and Girls Club didn't want to miss out on the fun. Carolyn Woodruff is a volunteer and has spent hours helping the participants perfect their routine. They headed to the Fred Astaire Dance Studio in Greensboro to create a dance video on Saturday. The group hopes they'll have a chance at being featured on the FOX show "So You Think You Can Dance." 

Greensboro Salvation Army Boys and Girls Club Celebrates National Dance

The Salvation Army Boys and Girls club of Greensboro celebrated National Dance Day. Fred Astaire Dance Studio and lawyer Carolyn Woodruff developed a summer dance program centered around it. The dance studio instructors have donated their time this summer to teach about 15 kids in the Boys and Girls Club how to dance. "From the very beginning, to see the self-esteem that has increased with each child, it has just been a wonderful experience," said Woodruff. 

FOX 8 Morning Show

"Captain Green Eyes and I had a great time on the FOX 8 Morning Show! We, along with Salvation Army Boys & Girls Club Executive Director, Jamie Cooper talked about our upcoming National Dance Day event on July 27, featuring the Captain Green Eyes Dance Troupe!" (7-16-13 photo)